Thursday, May 25, 2006

her to check the meter: Rogers CFO predicts 'metered' on-line billing : Rogers CFO predicts 'metered' on-line billing:

"The Internet industry must move towards a 'metered' billing system in the future as customers increasingly download video and other bandwidth-intensive applications, Rogers Communications Inc. chief financial officer Bill Linton said yesterday in a presentation at Morgan Stanley's 11th Annual Media & Communications Conference in Washington

'The objective here is not to restrict usage,' Mr. Linton said. 'The objective here is for people to use this service as much as they want. We just want them to pay a reasonable amount for what they use.'

'Usage is going up and it costs a lot of money to produce that capacity,' Mr. Linton said...well exactly how much does it cost? And what profit do you expect to generate from it? Without transparency, thes "growing costs" arguments are just lobbying efforts to limit internet usage.

Let's make it a municipal service, and let the meter readers and chargers be the people.

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